Congratulations! You’ve scheduled a professional house cleaning service from Two Ladies & A Bucket.
We want to make sure that you have the cleanest house on the block! In order to be certain that Two Ladies & A Bucket can access all of the surfaces and areas of your home. Our pre-cleaning guide helps speed up the whole cleaning process. This also ensures that your belongings are kept safe and your trash will be disposed of properly and more efficiently. Each part of the home requires different guide. But the basic concept is just to make the house as prepared as possible before our professional cleaners arrive.
To make the process more efficient, please do the following if you have a cleaning appointment with Two Ladies & A Bucket:
In the Bathroom
If you have scheduled a cleaning appointment for your bathroom, do these simple things to achieve better results. Make sure that you do all these before our cleaners arrive in your home:
- Clear off the bathroom. Take off all the items from the tub, toilet tank, sink, vanity and other parts of the bathroom. Place these items in a basket and throw away the trash or just place them under the sink.
- Don’t take away toothbrush holder and soap dish. You can leave them where they are.
- Turn off the bathroom lights an hour or more before the scheduled cleaning time. This is t make sure that the bulbs will have adequate time to cool off. We cannot clean the bulbs and the surrounding area if they’re still hot as might explode or become damaged upon contact.
These are just the things that you need to do. After you do your part, we will do ours. We can assure you that after we do our job efficiently and quickly, you will have a fresh, sanitized and sparkling bathroom.

In the Kitchen
There’s nothing like a well-cleaned kitchen. We provide quality kitchen cleaning services. But we can do it best with your help. Do the following pre-cleaning guide before your scheduled appointment time.
- Clear off the surface areas of your kitchen. Take any clutter off, such as bills, papers, keys and others. Put these in a box or a basket and leave them on your kitchen table.
- Do the same for coffee tables, kitchen tables, desks, dining rooms and other things or surfaces you want cleaned.
Doing these simple things allows us to move more freely while we clean your kitchen. We can then properly clean the surfaces like counter space, tables and others. This way, we can clean your space more quickly and efficiently.

In The Bedrooms
For the bedrooms, all you need to do is to clear off the floor with any clutter. Make sure that you pick up books, toys, comforters, blankets, pillows, clothes, and other things that are lying on the floor. You can simply put all these things on the bed. We will then put all of them in the hamper, basket or other container. By doing your part, it will easier for us to move about the room and clean more efficiently. With your little help, we can achieve the best results for your bedrooms.
If you have any queries about our pre-cleaning guide or if you have any other concerns, just call us or leave us a message, and we will answer your needs as quickly and efficiently as possible.